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Information for other travellers
07th October 2009
Dear Traveller!
As we have taken a lot of information from other overlanders before we made the trip and while planning, we will try to update some and give information back to other travel “newbies”… 😉
Most important might be the places we stayed at during our trip around Africa. Unfortunately I am a lazy person and did not write down each and every place or each and every coordinate we stayed at. But basically all places are listed here. Otherwise we bushcamped.
We travelled with two adult big dogs. So the places we stayed obviously allowed them as well. But in Namibia and in South Africa (especially there around Cape Town) I think, not all the places would allow dogs in the high season. We have been there in winter so most of the times we have been more or less alone on the campsites. From some places, we do not have the GPS, so I gave some coordintes being close to the places we stayed. Hopefully it helps you a little bit.
We bushcamped a lot in Western Africa as campsites are rare in that area. We never felt unsecure (even without dogs you would not be unsecure there…). We made good experieces with mission posts as well and there are a lot of them especially in Western Africa. Generally if we asekd the people if they have an idea where to stay, they helped us out and were very friendly.
So, maybe it gives you a little help about where to stay in Africa!
Furthermore we can give some information on routes that we took and visas that we applied for. Keep in mind that especially visa-issues and safety aspects can change rapidly on the African continent and our way might not be the convinient one anymore! But please just ask, what you would like to know, we will tell you anything we have in mind about it!
Have fun travelling and planning!
Katharina & Patrick (and Kinah and George)
And take care in Dahab (Egypt) if you have dogs, as they tend to put poison especially in town to get rid of the dogs.
Dear Traveller!
As we have taken a lot of information from other overlanders before we made the trip and while planning, we will try to update some and give information back to other travel “newbies”… 😉
Most important might be the places we stayed at during our trip around Africa. Unfortunately I am a lazy person and did not write down each and every place or each and every coordinate we stayed at. But basically all places are listed here. Otherwise we bushcamped.
I am not able to place this document on the website. Please, if you would like to have the file with all places, we stayed, please write a comment on this entry, I will reply and send it to the email address, that is given in the comment.
We travelled with two adult big dogs. So the places we stayed obviously allowed them as well. But in Namibia and in South Africa (especially there around Cape Town) I think, not all the places would allow dogs in the high season. We have been there in winter so most of the times we have been more or less alone on the campsites. From some places, we do not have the GPS, so I gave some coordintes being close to the places we stayed. Hopefully it helps you a little bit.
We bushcamped a lot in Western Africa as campsites are rare in that area. We never felt unsecure (even without dogs you would not be unsecure there…). We made good experieces with mission posts as well and there are a lot of them especially in Western Africa. Generally if we asekd the people if they have an idea where to stay, they helped us out and were very friendly.
So, maybe it gives you a little help about where to stay in Africa!
Furthermore we can give some information on routes that we took and visas that we applied for. Keep in mind that especially visa-issues and safety aspects can change rapidly on the African continent and our way might not be the convinient one anymore! But please just ask, what you would like to know, we will tell you anything we have in mind about it!
Have fun travelling and planning!
Katharina & Patrick (and Kinah and George)
And take care in Dahab (Egypt) if you have dogs, as they tend to put poison especially in town to get rid of the dogs.
Comments (10)
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We met in south Etiopia in camping. with love….
Comment by Wanda Grodzka — November 21, 2009 @ 12:47 am
Thanks for lending out your snorkal mask in Dahab-I had to check out your webpage as Im now seriously hoping to make such a trip myself now I see it can be done with dogs!
Safe travelsx
Comment by Katherine Spear& Ryan Judge — January 9, 2010 @ 9:39 pm
Good afternoon,
I am preparing my trip from Cairo to Cape Town and have had some dificuldadeds visas mainly in the Sudan
I would like to know the easiest way to get Sudan visa
big hug and great trip
Comment by Miguel Dias — March 11, 2010 @ 6:45 pm
А автомобильный по тематике блог никто не подскажет.
Comment by Avtolubitil — March 23, 2010 @ 7:03 pm
Даже намного лучше чем я ожидал, буду пользоваться.
Comment by Collectin — April 12, 2010 @ 8:42 pm
We are travveling trough Africa at the moment. We have gotten your website from Ellen Osterle. She sayd that you might have some information about crossing the lake Nasser ferry with a truck and a dog?!
How does this go and can someone go with the truck to take care off the dog?
kind regards,
Henk Jan
Comment by Henk Jan, Maureen & Boris — July 6, 2010 @ 1:05 am
Sorry website Typo
Comment by Henk Jan, Maureen & Boris — July 6, 2010 @ 1:06 am
Hi there Katharina and Patrick,
Your trip looks great!!
My boyfriend and I are planning a very similar trip from Brighton UK through Europe for a year then through Africa starting from Morocco and heading towards South Africa in the end but we intend to go to the east too. We just had a question regarding taking dogs as we would like to take ours with us too.
Did you have much trouble because of the dogs? Do you feel you missed out on much by having them with you? Would You have any advice or handy tips for someone taking dogs on a trip like this?
Thanks, can’t really follow the website as I don’t speak german.
Comment by Giulia Maury — February 25, 2011 @ 6:37 pm
Hallo Ihr Drei,
wir standen vor einigen Jahren schon mal in Kontakt miteinander, aber leider haben wir Eure Emailadresse verschludert. Wir möchten unser Monster Ende des Sommers nach Halifax verschiffen und sind momentan mit den Vorbereitungen beschäftigt. Habt Ihr evt. noch Infos für uns die Verschiffung und insbesondere die Versicherung betreffend? Wäre toll. Danke schon mal für Eure Hilfe. Viele Grüße
Doro und Jupp
Comment by Doro und Jupp — May 13, 2014 @ 3:33 pm
Nice to read more about you therefore question is when are you coming back again in Africa? Sam from kenya
Comment by Samson — November 7, 2014 @ 11:16 am